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Is Your Gut Clean or Dirty?


Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine was born in 460 BCEon the island of Cos in Greece. His medical consideration was that disease begins in the gut. One key aspect of gut health is its microbiome. The trillion microorganisms living inside our gastrointestinal tract: also referred to as gut flora. The microbiome can amount to as much as four pounds of biomass, with each of us having our own unique mix of species.

Our gut flora is established one to two years after birth and the contains ten times the number of cells making up our body. The microbial ecosystem of the digestive tract has a direct and significant effect on brain function. Studies have shown that gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and GABA, which are essential for brain health and a balanced mental outlook.

Now think of the fact that the trillion microorganisms inside you have to eat drink and defecate. What we eat determines whether these organisms poop toxic waster or the equivalent of great fertilizer. If our diet is packed with healthy soluble fibre from fruit and vegetables we will get the later, if not our gut will have an excess of waste products to dispose of. In a less than optimal environment opportunistic pathogens have greater opportunity to invade and cause disease.

Intermittent fasting – where you stop eating for between twelve and sixteen hours at a time is a safe way to help reverse dietary excess and clean up any mess. Leave a minimum two hours between your last meal and bedtime and only break fast after the twelve to sixteen hour period. Intermittent fasting is popular because it’s generally a safe way to fast under your own auspices at home.

Check out 'Overburdened' in our health survey and see if a particular type of detox is recommended for you.

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